Wedding Invitations Orlando
Wedding Invitations Orlando

Invitation Collections

Rosebud Calligraphy offers a personalized touch that sets your invitations apart. While you can still easily order your invitations online,
you also still have the opportunity to work directly with me during the process, ensuring that every detail of your invitation suite
reflects your unique style and vision.

These collections have been created with the Rosebud Calligraphy couple in mind and can be customized to fit your aesthetic and style.
From selecting the perfect wax seal and color to approving design elements,
your input matters every step of the way.

With the Invitation Collection, you get the convenience of online ordering
combined with the attention and expertise
of an experienced and professional stationery designer.
Let’s work together to create wedding invitations
that capture the essence of your love story and set the tone for your special day.

A custom experience without the custom fee

Invitation Collections

Select a collection that speaks to you and start shopping!

(minimum order of 25)

On average, invitation collection orders range from $750 - $1,500
depending on quantity and enhancements.


It was an absolute pleasure working with Katherine for our wedding invites and place cards/menus. Katherine has a great eye for detail and she really made my vision come to life. I’m ready for another party so we can make pretty things together!

— Lauren

Invitation Collection Process

Pick your Suite

Select the perfect collection to tell your love story! Choose your package option, envelope color, text color, and any enhancements like calligraphy guest addresses, hand torn edges, or wax seals.

If you’d like to see a suite in person, contact me and request a sample! Each invitation collection has samples available to purchase for $10 each. If you move forward with ordering one of the invitation collections, your $10 will be credited back on your final invoice.

Submit Wording

Once the order is placed and the 50% deposit confirmed, you will receive a welcome email with the next steps to get your design process started. This includes the terms and conditions as well as your wording questionnaire.

We will also confirm additional customization selections including text and ink color. The design layout remains the same, allowing the price of the invitation collection and turnaround time lower than with custom invitation design.

Design Process

Time to see it come to life! Within three business days of receiving your wording, I will create and send a proof for you to review. This is a digital representation of your invitation suite and your chance to make any revisions.

You are allowed three complimentary rounds of revisions to your suite and each additional round will be $75.

Production & Shipping

Once you have paid the remaining invoice amount and signed your final design proof, it is time to send them to production! This can take two to four weeks depending on the suite and enhancements you ordered.

I will notify you they are ready to ship and send via UPS with instructions on assembly, unless you added this service with your order. Ground shipping is included and you can request and expedited service for an additional charge.